Stalking Trains
Project Samples:
Jamii Nzura
Marketing organization landing page created for a client. Made with HTML(67.6%), CSS(32.4%) & Bootstrap.
Sixteen Lazy Days of Chocolate
This project was inspired by my love of chocolate. I also wanted an excuse to design something pretty. Made with HTML & (62.8%) CSS(37.2%) & Bootstrap.
Remember Matthew
Tribute website featuring a slideshow. Made for a client to be used as a memorial service presentation and as a keepsake. It needed to be easy to play. The slideshow is a css animation which begins automatically as soon as the website is clicked. Made almost exclusively with CSS(95.7%), with a dash of HTML(4.3%) to add the client's music.
Keyboard DJ
Audio project made with React. One of the final projects for my Front End Libraries Certification.
JavaScript Calculator
Made with React. One of the final projects for my Front End Libraries Certification.
Markdown Previewer
Made with Marked and React. One of the final projects for my Front End Libraries Certification.
Responsive Web Design Developer Certification ...See Certificate
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Developer Certification...See Certificate
Front End Libraries Developer Certification ...See Certificate